Song Links

The Boy with the Truck:

Movement (happens during the taunt): When the boy with the truck hides in the grass, crouch with him, put your arms up and sway slowly, like grass.

Sing along quietly (to stay hidden) with the Ooga Booga taunt (minor 3rd): “Hey there, Ooga Booga, you can’t catch me!”

The Octopus Boys:

Movement (happens during the taunt): When the Octopus Boys escape, slowly wave your arms like tentacles. 

Sing along loudly (to be heard over the waves) with the Ooga Booga taunt (minor 3rd): “Hey there, Ooga Booga, you can’t catch me!”

The Dragon:

Movement (happens during the taunt): When the princess and the knight fly away on the dragon, flap your arms like dragon wings.

Sing along loudly (from afar) with the Ooga Booga taunt (minor 3rd): “Hey there, Ooga Booga, you can’t catch me!”

Listen to the whole book here:

Check out the songs for Book 2! (Forthcoming)

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